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Endodontist in London - Specialist Root Canal Treatment

If you're looking for one of the best rated and most experienced root canal specialist endodontists near you in London, our highly skilled team can help.

Our specialist London endodontist, Dr. Shahrzad Rahbaran (GDC No: 68475), now has over 30 years extensive dentistry experience, including helping nervous patients from all parts of London with their root canals.

Dr Rahbaran's endodontics background also includes lecturing in endodontics at the prestigious Eastman Dental Institute, publishing numerous articles in endodontic journals and giving presentations at international conferences.

Our highly experienced root canal dentists are all registered with the General Dental Council (GDC) and our highly rated clinic is also monitored and regulated by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) so you can rest assured you are in safe hands here at Dental Perfection.

Choose our specialist root canal treatment and benefit from:

  • Highly skilled and specialist endodontist (30+ years experience)
  • Sedation options
  • Experts in helping nervous patients
  • Long established practice in North London since 1979
  • Less than a minute’s walk from Hampstead Underground Station
  • One of the best Endodontists in London via Google Business reviews

Our state-of-the-art specialist root canal clinic in London

root canal specialist near me in London Dr Rahbaran

Your specialist root canal dentist (Endodontist)

If you’re ready for expert root canal treatment from a friendly and highly experienced root canal dentist, our specialist London endodontist, Dr Shahrzad Rahbaran (GDC No: 68475) can help.

Dr Rahbaran has over 30 years of dentistry experience and provides a full range of endodontic root canal treatments, while patients enjoy a movie or two, or listen to music while treatment is carried out and should this not be sufficient to relax them, sedation can be offered.

Having graduated from the Royal London Dental Hospital in 1992, Dr Rahbaran completed many additional years of advanced dentistry training. After holding a number of hospital positions in restorative dentistry and obtaining her FDS from Royal College of Surgeons of England, she joined the Endodontic MSc program at the Eastman Dental Institute.

Gaining her distinction in the Endodontics MSc in 1999, she taught as a lecturer in endodontics at the Eastman Dental Institute for three years. She was then also awarded the membership in restorative dentistry (MRD RCS) from the Royal College of Surgeons of England and was granted entry into the Specialist List for Endodontics.

Providing a full range of endodontist treatments Dr Rahbaran has also published and co-authored articles in several endodontic journals and she is an executive committee board member of the prestigious Langham Endodontic Group.

Root canal treatment prices

We have ensured our prices are extremely competitive compared to other highly experienced root canal specialists near us in London.

Procedure Price
Incisor / Canine £1,150 - £1,350
Premolar £1,250 - £1,450
Molar £1,350 - £1,550
Removal of post £450 - £650
Internal bleaching £450




5 star Google review rating for root canal

Specialist root canal treatment review via Google Business

"Dear Dr. Sanei and Dr. Rahbaran - you are the best dentists in the world! You have converted me completely from hating going to see the dentist to looking forward to it!! That's just beyond magic. You have explained every single procedure during the surgery and treatment I felt so well looked after in your clinic.

Your skills and knowledge is fantastic. I cannot thank you both enough. I recommend you to every family member of mine and please keep on doing what you do - it is a truly life changing experience :)

I would also like to thank Debra and Stephanie and Lisa you ladies are so awesome and it's a pleasure to be your patient!! I cannot recommend this clinic enough!"

Bailu Lu

Root canal treatment explained

"Endodontics" comes from the Greek words "endo" – meaning inside – and "odont" – meaning tooth. Endodontists focus on diagnosing and treating problems that occur inside the tooth, mainly the nerve inside the root canal.

Sensitivity that won’t go away and pain in the teeth may be signs of a pulp inflammation or infection – also known as pulpitis – which can leave you feeling extremely uncomfortable. And, if it’s left alone, this could result in an abscess.

Even if you’re not experiencing any pain, your dentist may have picked up something in an examination or x-ray and referred you to an endodontist. Not all teeth in need of root canal treatment will cause pain however the damage inside will unfortunately only get worse.

Endodontists are highly skilled dentists that have undergone years of advanced training in the diagnosis and treatment of problems inside the tooth.

Often referred to as ‘the savers of teeth’, these dentists do everything they can to avoid the need for extraction. In the majority of cases, root canal treatment can remove the infection, protect your tooth, and restore it to its optimum condition and function.

Why go to a specialist endodontist?

All endodontists are dentists, but did you know only 3% of all dentists are endodontists?

This highly specialised field of dentistry requires many additional years of training beyond dental school; leaving with an in depth understanding of the interior of the tooth.

Diagnosing many forms of tooth pain and performing root canal procedures, endodontic treatment can prevent a diseased tooth from needing to be removed. That’s why many endodontists are proud to be called the ‘specialists in saving teeth’.

Whilst all dentists receive some form of endodontic training, general dentists refer their patients to a highly specialised endodontist for root canal treatment. That’s because their additional years of advanced residency training make them the experts in diagnosing various types of tooth pain and in the diagnosis and management of different dental pulp diseases and disorders.

The benefits to choosing a specialist endodontist

Multiple studies have found that root canal treatments have much higher success rates when performed by a specialist endodontist. These highly skilled dentists undergo years of advanced training in order to master this technique-sensitive procedure.

Your endodontist will let you know if you are suitable for the procedure when you come in for your consultation our state-of-the-art North London clinic in Hampstead.

Patients prefer to see a professional endodontist over a general dentist for their root canal treatment. That’s not just for their higher level of clinical skill and expertise, but also for all the many other benefits of seeking a specialist.

An endodontist is likely to have access to more advanced equipment than a general dentist and, as they only perform endodontic procedures, you’ll also benefit from shorter waiting times and need fewer appointments.

Some people choose to go to a specialist endodontist based on the type of tooth which needs operating on. Further studies found that whilst root canal treatment for incisors, canines and lower premolars were within general dentists’ capabilities, endodontic procedures on molars and upper premolars prove far more difficult and need special intervention.

Molar and upper premolar procedures have a lower success rate because of the complex root canal anatomy involved. Upper premolars can have up to two roots each; with one, two or more root canals running through each root.

Only a highly skilled and qualified endodontist will be able to understand the nature of your tooth and the necessary care to take to ensure your infection is cleared, and that your tooth is protected in future.


A step by step guide to root canal treatment

Your tooth is made up of two parts; the crown - which is the white part of the tooth above the gum level that you can see in your mouth - and the root. The root keeps your tooth in place reaching all the way down to your jaw bone like an anchor.

Your teeth are made up of several different materials:

  • Enamel – this is the hard outside layer coating of your teeth
  • Dentine – this is a softer tissue that makes up most of your tooth, sitting just under the enamel
  • Cementum – a ‘cement-like’ hard material that coats the surface of the tooth root
  • Dental pulp – nerve tissue at the centre of each tooth

Just like the roots of a plant, your root canals (where the pulp is) branch out inside each of your teeth; running like a tunnel from the crown of your tooth to the end of each root. Each tooth can contain any number of root canals, all filled with dental pulp.

Pulp is one of the most vital parts of the tooth. Made up of living connective tissue, blood vessels and large nerves, the pulp branches out and fills the root canals.

It’s responsible for sensory functions, forming dentin and enamel during tooth development and keeping the tooth moisturised and nourished.

When do you need root canal treatment?

Do you have a lingering sensitivity when you eat anything too hot or cold? Does it hurt when you chew, or do you constantly get dull or severe aches and pains in your teeth?

If so, it’s possible you may need endodontic therapy – also known as root canal treatment.

When the outer enamel or cementum is damaged or eroded by decay, bacteria are able to make their way through to the dentine causing your dental pulp to become inflamed and/or infected.

Infections can be caused when the bacteria that live in your mouth find their way into your teeth. This can be through tooth decay, gum disease, broken crowns, loose or leaky fillings, or if your teeth have been cracked or damaged due to trauma.

Antibiotics are unable to treat infections in this area. Leaving an infected tooth in your mouth will not only make things worse, it could damage your tooth beyond repair. So, the patient would have only two options: to have root canal treatment, or to have the tooth removed entirely.

You can read more about the benefits of root canal.

We never recommend extracting a tooth that can be saved. Root canal treatment removes the infection and reseals the tooth so you can keep your natural teeth for as long as possible.

The root canal procedure is performed by a skilled endodontist, as root canal treatment is technique sensitive and numerous research has shown that specialist endodontists have a far higher success rate than those who are not a specialist in this field.

During your root canal treatment, they will carefully remove the infected pulp, clean, disinfect and gently shape the root canal, then fill the empty space to prevent future infection.

Extra help about root canal treatments

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Why choose us?

  • We promise to deliver success at the end of every treatment and will act with honesty and integrity at all times.
  • We believe our patients deserve the best with no compromises on quality of care and materials.
  • We are proud of our experience, expertise and qualifications. This enables us to offer every dental solution for our patients.
  • We know our prices are fair as they enable us to provide the best possible dental care.
  • Our reputation is built on the success of our treatments and we thank all our patients for rating us 5* on Google Business.

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